2024 대한민국 안전산업 박람회 D--102

2024. 9. 10(TUE) ~ 12(THU)BEXCO, BUSAN
안전경영, ESG, 동반성장을 선도하는 국내 최대의 안전산업 전문 전시회

참가업체 리스트

부스번호 D15

생활안전 공공서비스 
Vietnam Innovation Network in Korea (ViNK)
(000000) 179 Tran Hung Dao, Son Tra, Da Nang, Vietnam Vietnam Innovation Hub Building, 5 Floor
회사 소개
Vietnam Innovation Network in Korea (ViNK) is a part of the Vietnam National Innovation Center (NIC), which belongs to the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment. The mission of ViNK is to promote cooperation between Korea and Vietnam based on innovation technologies. While the brand name of the Software Technology Department of ViNK is IRTECHKOR.
주요 품목
AI based solutions: IRBOT Process automation, AI Recognition, Golden Time Smatch Watch
품목 사진